

The following search filters are available:


  • port - filter results on a specified port
  • net - filter results on a specified IP or CIDR range
  • hostname - filter results based on a specified hostname


  • city - filter results residing in a specified  city
  • country - filter results residing in a specified country code
  • geo - filter results in a specified geo coordinates


  • http.component - filter results based on specified HTTP technology being used
  • http.html - filter results based on a the specified text appearing the the HTTP response text
  • http.status - filter results based on the specified HTTP status code
  • http.title - filter results based one the specified title in the HTML page


  • org - filter results belonging to a specified organisation
  • title - filter results with the specified value within the title
  • os - filter results on a specified operating system
  • before/after - filter results within a specified time frame
  • hash - filter results on a specified hash value
  • has_screenshot - filter results that either have or don’t have a screenshot
  • product - filter results based on the specified product
  • version - filter results based on the specified version number


Identify systems belonging to Google:


Identify systems belonging to Google that are located in London:

org:"Google" city:"London"

Identify systems belonging to Google that are located in the UK:

org:"Google" country:"GB"

Identify all NGinx servers belonging to Google in the UK:

nginx org:"Google" country:"GB"

Shodan Domain Records

Use the following URL to perform a domain search using Shodan:


Where <domain> is the domain to search for.

For example to search for

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